Most of hispanics have some pride while gringo do thier children , its like if this is an honor or a blessing ...
Stupid spics....
...voted for mccain....
No way to vote for a negro president , if its not a spic better be a gringo .
I do despise Latinos and i enjoy it ,these Hispanic bugs wants to be 1st minority , and somehow get their land back they worship gringos dick they voted bush and recentely they voted mccain .
But as despicable as they are, after obama is president... u will find them ..."si si obama bueno ...freedoms . freedoms ..freedoms".
McCain Use the Term "Spic" ....
You think Americans don’t call Hispanics “spics’ ? Trust me, they do.
"spic"....? how about greasy beaner fucktard. All you pieces of shit need to be flushed back down to the otherside of the fence!
You stink and so does your cuntry. Mexico ...Ecuador , DR......