Sunday, September 20, 2009

Operation Wetback

In 1949 the Border Patrol seized nearly 280,000 illegal immigrants. By 1953, the numbers had grown to more than 865,000, and the U.S. government felt pressured to do something about the onslaught of immigration. What resulted was Operation Wetback, devised in 1954 under the supervision of new commissioner of the Immigration and Nationalization Service, Gen. Joseph Swing.

Swing oversaw the Border patrol, and organized state and local officials along with the police. The object of his intense border enforcement were "illegal aliens," but common practice of Operation Wetback focused on Mexicans in general. The police swarmed through Mexican American barrios throughout the southeastern states. Some Mexicans, fearful of the potential violence of this militarization, fled back south across the border. In 1954, the agents discovered over 1 million illegal immigrants.

In some cases, illegal immigrants were deported along with their American-born children, who were by law U.S. citizens. The agents used a wide brush in their criteria for interrogating potential aliens. They adopted the practice of stopping "Mexican-looking" citizens on the street and asking for identification. This practice incited and angered many U.S. citizens who were of Mexican American descent. Opponents in both the United States and Mexico complained of "police-state" methods, and Operation Wetback was abandoned.

Why Latttttinos need religion?

....And the white men discovered the new world , and introduced the new religion, to Indians(Hispanics), and niggers (African Americans)...

uncle Sam was like ..."look white i am different , i got a long nose and fine lips, iam ure master, iam ure God !".

And as primitive as they are ...they all bow down and start worshiping, and kissing gringos ass, represented by Jesus, since then and forever.....
Ever since the discovery of the New World the indigenous peoples have been treated not only unfairly, but also unrealistically pigeonholed into stereotypes. The early explorers, historians, nineteenth century dime novels and twentieth century western movies have contributed immensely to the stereotypical images of the American Indians. Naturally, Native American women were no exceptions, they were stereotyped and misconceptualised. They have either been presented as primitive pagans or romanticised and mythified. On the one hand, the stereotypical Squaw image constituted the inferior, subservient, meek, lazy, wild and lustful woman. On the other hand, the stereotypical Princess was the guide, protector, helper, comforter, lover and rescuer of the white man. She fulfilled these roles at the cost of defying her people, changing her religion and even dying for the white man she loved.( Worshiping Gringo Since then, and until today). The newcomers with their Christian mentality, could not comprehend the Indian woman's power and her role in society. As opposed to misapprehensions, the canonised autobiographies of Native American women evince that Native American women are neither Squaws nor Princesses, but Corn Maidens in essence.
And today these primitive fucks put Jesus(gringo) and Santa madre(symbolize the stinky Latina whore who helped gringo at colonization/extermination time .... )in every aspect of their animals life in usa...some examples:

Inspiration for tattoo design while in prison.
So, Latina mothers can use the word father in a sentence and not be completely lying.
Jesus… a white male figure that does indeed fuck them, but they can pretend still loves them.

So the religion for Hispanics may be represented as gringo (jesus) penetrating little Latina (Santa madre) .

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Child Rape Camps of San Diego County, California - A Crime Against Humanity inside the U.S.A.

The articles here below describe one of the largest known child and youth sex trafficking cases in the United States to date. In one of several related cases, hundreds of Mexican girls between 7 and 18 were kidnapped or subjected to false romantic entrapment by organized criminal sex trafficking gangs. Victims were then brought to San Diego County, California. Over a 10 year period these girls were raped by hundreds of men per day in more than 2 dozen home based and agricultural camp based brothels.

A Latina medical doctor employed by a U.S. federal agency provided condoms to the victims for years, and was told by her supervisors not to speak out and organize efforts to rescue the victims. This doctor was ordered under threat of legal action to keep quiet about the mass victimization of children in "rape camps."